Big Birth Junkie

10 • Hannah Roloson and her sister Kamala: Birthing in Community, Turning a Breech Baby (The Judy Chicago Series)



Hannah and Kamala grew up in a community where childbirth was celebrated and an inclusive community event. When Hannah got pregnant there was no doubt in her mind that her family would be there for the big day. Not only do we get to hear the story of two home water births, but its a treat to hear sisters share their perspective on the same experiences. This is a special edition of Big Birth Junkie that coincides with the artwork of Judy Chicago's Birth Project Born Again Series at the Pasadena Museum and relates to her piece: Guided by the Goddess as we talk about Birthing in Community.  _________ For more information to go: GraceFull or follow us: @gracefullbirth or our guests: __________ This episode is sponsored by GraceFull where you can find BBJ's host Elizabeth's free ebook: Birth Planning: All the Questions to Ask and all kinds of educational videos including Childbirth Education, Advanced Doula Trainings and Lactation Support.  If you live in Los Angeles, check out our midwives for home