Big Birth Junkie

38 • Jeni & Monique IUI Conception, Planned Birth Center Birth, Unmedicated Vaginal Breech Birth



This is a fun podcast for me because I have been on (literally) the whole journey with Jeni and Monique. I supported them with their conception and then they chose to birth with the GraceFull Midwives to have an unmedicated out of hospital birth. Their plans changed when they found out their child was breech; but, we are very lucky in Los Angeles because we have an amazing doctor in town who will support unmedicated vaginal breech births in the hospital. This podcast is choc-o-bloc filled with great information about same-sex couple conception, using acupuncture for conception (thank you Susan Minich!) IUI and vaginal breech birthing (thank you Dr. Emiliano Chavira). We hope you find this episode as inspirational and fun as we did!   _________   For more information about me, Elizabeth Bachner, go to or follow us: @gracefullbirth  or @BigBirthJunkie. Our guest Jeni is a therapist with coaches same-sex couples navigate the conception process from the emotional to the legal. You can find Jeni at