Childless Not By Choice

Episode 69--How to Live not just exist, after a crisis



Hello, everyone! Civilla Morgan here! Welcome back to Childless, not by Choice, where my mission is to recognize and speak to the broken hearts of childless not by choice women, and men, around the world.  I am spreading the great news that we can live a joyful, relevant and fulfilled life, although we could not, did not, have the children we so wanted. Please remember to tell your friends about the show and share episodes to your social media followers! I would appreciate that!   Well, today I have a special guest, and I am so excited! You know how some people come into your life and you are just so happy they exist? That’s how I feel about this special young lady, she is just beautiful inside and out! Let me tell you a more about her before we get started:    Valerie Zollinger is a Certified Professional Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Leader. Her unique blend of passion, authenticity and extensive understanding of human behavior results in enlightening and engaging presentations for audiences. She is know