Movers And Shakers With April Wachtel

Ming-Tai Huh from Toast on hospitality as a differentiator in technology, Toast features, and how technology can bring your restaurant to the next level



I'm so excited to present my interview today with Ming-Tai Huh, Head of Partnerships at Toast, & Proprietor at Puritan & Company As many of us know, restauranteurs are struggling with rising labor costs, and are adapting their businesses to accommodate for the increase in off-premise restaurant sales. In conditions like these, operators are constantly looking for solutions to cut costs and increase revenue.  Toast is a company strategically poised to make real change in the industry. It is a technology platform that combines restaurant POS, front of house, back of house and guest-facing technology with a diverse marketplace of third-party applications, helping restaurants streamline operations, increase revenue and deliver amazing guest experiences. Recently Toast raised $250 million in a Series E round, which brings their valuation to $2.7 billion. David Yuan at TCV, the growth equity firm that co-led Toast latest round financing says, "At TCV, we invest in companies that have the potential to reshap