The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Do Your Suffer From ‘I Deserve It’ Mentality?



Has this ever been you? “I’ve worked hard this week!! I had a ton of deadlines with work and I hit them all. I was able to avoid the happy hour with my coworkers and went home and cooked myself a healthy meal instead. I even got my workouts in this week! I did a lot and I deserve..” And that ‘I deserve it’ concludes with: A glass of wine A large pizza A burger A margarita Take a break from working out this weekend And so on… Your ‘I deserve it’ indulgence ends up becoming your ‘I deserve it’ sabotage. You end up… Drinking the bottle of wine Eating the whole pizza Having fries and a shake to go with your burger Having a margarita the size of your head Not being active at all And so on… You end up undoing all your hard work of 4 days, in 3 days or dare I say one meal. Then you end up right back where you started, and you are left with shame and guilt. If you wonder how I know this, it’s because I’ve done the same thing. I’ve had the ‘I deserve it’ bottle of wine and the ‘I deserve it’ whole pizza. I know h