The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

How To Fit Your Workouts Into Your Crazy Life



When I woke up today, the first thing I thought about before my feet hit the floor were: I need to get the slide show done for work I need to finish the budget and turn it into the manager Don’t forget to grab that shirt for my coworker What am I making for dinner? Do I have all the ingredients, or do I need to pick them up at the store? That reminds me!! I need to get breakfast for my coworkers. It’s my coworker’s birthday on Friday. What should I get her for a gift? The list goes on and on and on. I know you know what I’m talking about because you have that same running list in your head. Oh! And on top of all that, you need to go workout. Working out can often fall to the bottom of the list and not get done. At least it has for me, and the people I work with. Life is crazy, and it can seem impossible at times to fit working out in. I get that, and I want to help you with that. I wanted to share with you 3 tips and tricks to getting your workouts in while your life is crazy, deadlines are stacking up, an