The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Help Me! I Just Ate Everything In Sight



Have you ever thought… “F*** it! I just ate this so I might as well eat that.” Scenario #1 What I’m referring to you when you go out to dinner with your friends and you think in your mind “I’m only going to order the salad. Nothing else.” Then when your friends order deep fried mozzarella balls and artichoke dip and you suddenly think “F*** it! I’m just going to have what they are having and worry about my diet tomorrow.” But it doesn’t stop there… You end  up ordering a couple of beers, fried chicken, and dessert. Pretty soon you’ve just eaten everything in sight. or… Scenario #2 You look inside your fridge for something to eat and you can’t find anything. You could maybe whip up a salad but doesn’t seem appetizing. Then you open the freezer and see a frozen pizza and think “F*** it! I’m just going to eat this because I’m hungry and it’s easy to make. But it doesn’t stop there… You end up finishing the whole pizza, going back and having a bowl of cereal, and some ice cream. Has this ever happened to you? If