The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Getting It All Done With Figure Competitor And Mom Darla Andrews



Name of Expert: Darla Andrews Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: I met this amazing woman years ago when we worked at a gym together. From the moment I met her I admired her. She was one of the more popular trainers at the gym, had a beautiful marriage and work relationship with her husband, and very successful/talented girls. She is a mom, trainer, runs her own business and helps her husband’s business, and still sets amazing fitness goals like running a marathon and becoming a figure competitor. She’s one of those people that I would ask the infamous question “how do you do it?” In this interview, she shares how she does it and how she helps others to do it too. Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: Mom of 5 and now 51 Personal Trainer Own a wellness center with husband called Total Body Health Center She plays piano Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: As a kid she was always insecure and around 15 her parents got divorced and her