The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Are You Too Hard On Your Diet?



Have you ever felt like your diet was consuming your life? A few years back I made it my New Year's goal to do a bikini competition. Now, a bikini competition is not like a figure or bodybuilding competition. You don't get judged on your athletic endeavors or how big your muscles are. You are being evaluated on the overall package of how your body looks symmetrically while having long lean muscles. I thought it would be a good goal to work towards because I had never tried anything like that before. Prior to that, I had run marathons and other races, but I had never entered anything where I was being judged off of how I looked. I started this goal in January and didn't stop until September. Over those next 9 months, I learned a lot about myself and my diet that I never knew before. For nine months straight I... -logged my calories everyday -only went over my calorie allowance 9 days the whole time -became obsessed about what I was eating -had to know where I was going out to eat, so I could prepare and plan