The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Holistic Nutrition and Fasting with Health Coach Felicia Lateef



Name of Expert: Felicia Lateef   Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: Felicia is an incredibly accomplished woman that is helping women improve their lives through holistic nutrition. She has gone through her own cancer scares and has helped other women through theirs by preaching having a positive outlook and focusing on God. Her number one goal is to help people understand that diet is not all about food but rather how you view food.   Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: She is a graduate of communications, but her passion has always been in fitness or dance. Something very few people know is that she plays the viola. She is getting her masters in holistic nutrition, and is a health coach.   Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: After having her daughter, she was struggling to lose weight for the next ten years. Over those years to she developed bad habits of using food as a coping device to deal with a really stressful period. After