The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Can You Take A Break From Your Diet



“I can’t worry about my diet right now...there’s too much going on”. Have you ever said this or something like this? Or have you said… “I will get back to it next month. Right now I need to focus on ________.” I have heard that many, many times and honestly I get it. When life is throwing you deadlines, family crap, and so much more it’s hard to think about working out and prepping your food. I understand you may need to take a break from your diet, but my job as your coach is to give it to you straight... You can’t take a break from your diet just like you can’t take a break from your life. I’m going to share with you why in the show today.   Links To Additional Resources: Tired of the Holiday Diet Struggle Blog & Podcast What To Do When Everything Is Out Of Control Blog & Podcast 3 Days to Overcome Overwhelm   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from