The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

How to Get Your Partner to Workout



I brought my amazing fiance back on the show today to talk about something that I get asked about a lot. Oftentimes at the gym, I run into people who say “Your fiance must love working out with you!”, to which my response is “not really.” You see, Chris and I are opposites. He enjoys a day of watching his favorite tv shows while I enjoy a day of hiking and biking. In a lot of ways we are different and that’s what makes our relationship so strong. However, we went through many battles where I wanted him to workout and he didn’t want to. He doesn’t like working out and that was a frustration in our relationship for years. In today’s episode, Chris gives 3 tips to help you motivate your partner, friend, coworker, or family member to workout. I actually learned A LOT from this episode that I didn’t already know and I know you will too.   Additional Resources: From Hospital Bed To Never Being Sick VIP Newsletter Sign Up!