The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Going Vegan with Terry Hagio



  Terry Hagio is online fitness coach and has been a vegan for the past 5 years. Also, she is deathly scared of snakes. She had a bad experience with a snake when she was younger and it changed her perspective on life. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: When she was 21, a week before she graduated from college her dad passed away. It was completely out of blue. No one expected it. She was supposed to be really happy celebrating this huge milestone and instead she was mourning the loss of her father. It was a hard situation and she learned how to come out of it stronger. Warrior They Look Up To: She looks up to her cousin Dana because she lives life to the fullest. Heart Of The Interview: Terry and I go deep into misconceptions, common questions, and what the heck it means to be a vegan. If you have ever thought about becoming vegan or even if you don’t check out this interview because you will find out the real deal from the vegan expert. Additional Resources: www.t