The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Learn How to Cultivate Amazing Friendships with Raena Hawkins



Name of Expert: Raena Hawkins Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: She grew up in South Bay of Los Angeles. Her parents divorced when she was 12 and chaos ensued after that. While she was in high school she discovered her passion for technical theatre and met her amazing husband. Something only the people closest to her will know was that she was born two months early and weighed only 3.5 pounds  She says  completing two marathons and numerous half marathons has been a physical battle that made her feel like a warrior. Warrior They Look Up To: One of her warriors she looks up to is  her friend Nancy who lost a child under 2, raised her three children practically on her own working two jobs and yet still found the money and time to help them pursue their dreams. Heart Of The Interview: Raena opens up her heart and shares great wisdom on how to create awesome friendships in life. She talks about overcoming her shyness and issues growing up that held her back from pursuin