The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Curing Chronic Health Issues with Dr. Drew Hall



  Name of Expert: Dr. Drew Hall Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: As a junior in high school he was on the baseball team and got into a fight with a teammate, The guy eventually had him upside down and accidentally dropped him on his head and heard a crack. He  thought he was paralyzed but realized he was fine and moved on. Then slowly over a 6 month period, he ended up experiencing various symptoms like headaches, sinus issues, sleep issues. In the beginning, it was episodic but it got progressively worse and worse. Then he was nauseous for 2 years. This his arm started going numb. He figured it would eventually go away and never did. He eventually made his way to a holistic doctor that helped him remember the fight and recommended that he go to an upper cervical spine chiropractic. He finally got the answers and help he needed. Heart Of The Interview: This interview was fascinating for me to do. Dr. Drew dives deep into what the heck an upper cervical chiropractor is, how th