The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

Helping Moms Keep Their Sanity & Identity with Molly Richards



Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: She is a mother of 2 and wife of 20 years. She is also 1 of 9 kids. She loves to laugh and snorts when she laughs. She is all about motivating women and helping them live and succeed. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: As 1 of 9 kids, she grew up poor but never knew it. She decided that she wanted to a degree in marriage and family therapy and did it. She married her high school sweetheart immediately after graduating and got pregnant right away. As a mom, she stayed at home and felt like she lost her identity. She needed to figure out how to change her situation and get herself back. She used fitness as a way to change her body inside and out. Warrior They Look Up To: Her mother is her warrior. Her mom was a single mom to 9 kids. She did everything she could, including 2-3 jobs at a time, to provide everything she could for her kids. Despite everything she went through she is positive and outgoing.    He