High Horse Radio

Race Riots And America - An Outside Perspective



Our civilisation is moving through the new millenium with rapid advancement, but it's painful legacy means the steering wheel may be in the hands of sociopathic predatorial death incarnates.  As the prohibition continues to reek havok in Mexico, Puritan Politicians continue to think they know what's best for you. Racial Minorities keep falling for traps set by whom and for what agenda? All is revealed in this insightful episode of flag burning patriotism. Featuring J Dot Fred Nations and LinQ this episode icludes but is not limited to Brisbane's suckful G20, Mexican cartels and Isis, Mexican 43, Great Sportsmen, Ancient Tatoos, Pirates, Supanovas, Race Tensions, Aboriginals burning Australian Flag, Humour Charm and Sex Selection, Hitler Stalin Tito Freud and Trotsky and is Tom Cruise acting in real life?..... This is the first time combination of panelists, with the sustainable development advocate LinQ alongside the tofu eating music man Fred Nation, and the crime drama enthusiast with a sugar addiction JDot