Monster Party




MONSTER PARTY WANTS YOU TO HAVE BITCHIN' AND BEWITCHIN' SUMMER! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, usher in the summer with an audio vacation package, guaranteed to make you soil your speedo. Can your Pina Colada soaked nerves handle the sun-drenched dread that is... MONSTER PARTY'S SUMMER SLAY-CATION!!! As much as the MONSTER PARTY gang loves a cold and clammy tomb, or a fog-laden castle, we realize that horror can often turn up in most pleasant locations. The movies have shown us that just because you happen to be relaxing in a cabin in the woods, or lying on the beach in an island paradise, doesn't mean something hideous isn't about to happen.   Laying his BLOOD BEACH towel next to ours, is a long-time friend of the show, and one of our most ardent supporters. He's an absurdly talented writer, columnist, improvisor, cartoonist, and podcaster, who is always welcome at our timeshare of terror. MONSTER PARTY is eerily ecstastic to welcome back... MARC HERSHON! (SUCCOTASH: THE COMED