Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

You Can't Ever Go Back



Ever met someone who wasn't really into shooting, but more into just always having the coolest newest gun, and then all the sudden they're not around anymore? Recently I was listening to a couple different podcasts, The Joe Rogen Experience with Dan Bilzarian, and the recent Freakonomics podcast on Maintenence, and a common theme came up in both shows: The idea that once you have the best thing, you don't get the same enjoyment out of something that isn't quite as good.  In the Dan Bilzarian interview, he talked about how a lot of rich people aren't happy because they're able to buy whatever they want, and if they are only getting their enjoyment out of stuff, and not experiences, they run out of things to enjoy pretty quickly. I've seen this thing happen in the shooting sports a time or two, where someone isn't really into shooting, but into showing up to matches with the coolest newest thing. Eventually, they've got everything, and you stop seeing them as much when they move onto something else.  I think th