Dental A Team W/ Kiera Dent And Dr Mark Costes

#356: Compassion Cures the Covid Crank



Once upon a time … Kiera had a no-good, very bad day. It seems that a lot of people are filled with what we’ve dubbed the “Covid crank” these days — overall grumpiness. Kiera shares a recent experience where one person at the very end of an eventful couple of days made a huge difference in her life. The point? At the Dental A-Team, we want our friends and team members to show love and kindness to others, to stand out in someone’s life. Be the spark of compassion to help cure someone else’s crankiness. It’ll go a long way, and who knows, you might even end up being mentioned in a podcast episode! Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Visit The Dental A-Team website Review the podcast on iTunes