Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:322 A History of Wild-Men



I will be welcoming Kevin to the show who wrote, "I had an encounter that was exactly like one of your other guests. When I heard his story I almost fell off my chair.” I spoke to Kevin yesterday and he said, “I had the exact same encounter as one of your previous guests, it happened in the exact same location as his in fact I played the encounter for family and friends. My family and friends have always laughed at me and when I played the encounter nobody was laughing. My encounter happened several years ago and where your guest describes being escorted out, that is exactly what happen to me. This thing paced me out knocking down everything in its way and when I would stop it would stop when I would continue it would continue. As your guest was describing the location I knew every detail in fact where he describes the creature stopping as he came out of the wood line is exactly where it stopped when it was chasing me.” I will be also welcoming Timothy Renner to the show. Tim writes "I just published my secon