Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:405 I shot it!



Tonight I will speak to Clint who had an encounter with Sasquatch and ended up shooting the creature. I will also be speaking to Charlie Raymond is the founder of the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization and he will be coming on and sharing encounters he has investigated in Kentucky. Russell Acord from the International Bigfoot Conference. Clint writes “I put a 7mag round threw ones knee so it couldn’t get to me because I was afraid I couldn’t put enough rounds in it to get it down before it got to me, and there was another communicating so I knew if I killed it there would be no reason for the second to try and help it and would turn all its attention to me instead of its partner.” He was hunting and was up in a tree stand. As the sun was coming up the witness reports: “I felt like I was being watched from this one area. As I continue staring in this one direction this huge arm came from around a tree and half of this creatures body was sticking out. It appeared to be communicating with another one. They w