Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:460 A massive human looking thing with red hair



A listener writes, “It was the fall of 1994 when I had my encounter. This took place in northern New Hampshire. It was a warm fall day must have been in the 70’s that day. The foliage was absolutely beautiful. So I decided to take a walk into the woods that day. I grew up loving the forest and nature. As kids we would play paintball every weekend. So I was a good hour/hour and a half into the woods, the forest was alive with activity that day, birds chirping, frogs croaking and squirrels running about. I came to an area when I noticed the lack of all sound. I was taught that if this happens chances are that a predator is nearby. So I stopped and looked around, at about 200 to 250 feet in front of me was this massive human looking thing with red hair all over its body except its face and hands, like an orangutans. It had hands and not paws. It looked like a jacked up basketball player. Its face looked like a baboon but its skin was a charcoal black. The thing was at least 10 feet tall if not more. It had its b