Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:463 Homeland Security Sasquatch Expedition



Tonight I will be speaking to two guests. Brent writes,“Hey Wes! My name is brent and I live out in banks, Oregon. A friend and I had an experience a couple years ago up in Washington. Here is a copy of what I first wrote down while it was fresh. I have attached the recording and picture In the recording you will hear me trying to calm down my dog and get him to stay. Then I walk a short distance down the gravel road in the dark with no flashlight (crazy in retrospect) I stop and have my cell with the mic end pointed in the general direction of the initial screams. It’s a poor recording at best. But during most of it in the back ground you can hear the screams. In real life they started out as guttural grumpy ape sounds and then would escalate to high pitched screams and then back to guttural huffing and puffing from the “main one” . The responses were similar but seemed more like a “I’m in position chase them this way” from the others. Me and a friend recently went to forlorn lakes on 9/22 for a camping trip