Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:487 I can still see it looking at me



A listener writes “Hi Wes, I’ll admit I feel awkward sending this e-mail as the people I’ve told have mocked me. Anyway here goes. I grew up on a farm in southern Maryland and we had over a hundred of acres of mostly wooded land. Our property was adjacent to other large swaths of heavily wooded acreage. To cut to the chase, I was an avid hunter growing up. So much that during my teens I’d go squirrel hunting daily after getting home from school. One afternoon in October I went out alone. I was 16. However this time I decided to go further into the woods. As I hiked along my mind was somewhere else until I noticed I was in a part of the woods I’d never been to. I was surrounded by old growth trees and the terrain was rolling hills. I looked down into the bottom of this hollow and saw large grove of laurel. I slowly made my way down and suddenly was overcome with a heavy feeling of dread and that I was being watched. So much that I froze and began to look around expecting to see another person but didn’t. This