Adventurefit Radio

Military Training, The Fitness Industry, And Sustainable Weight Loss With Commando Steve



Commando Steve is a health and fitness expert, an ex-commando in the Australian army, a successful entrepreneur, and a modern-day thinker. First off, he shares about why people call him ‘Commando Steve’ and then shares about his time in the military, and the time he spent overseas. Then the convo moves to Steve sharing about his PT time, army-style nutrition, and moving into CrossFit. A funny twist when we ask him about his longest time without a bath! And for those interested in weight loss, listen in because our crew picks on Steve’s insights on this. Finally, the discussion goes a little deeper as it moves into spirituality and religious views. Then, the classic, 9 from 9 for Steve! Loved this conversation with Commando Steve guys. We hope you enjoy it! Show notes from this episode can be found at This podcast is also brought to you by LocSam Solutions. LocSam Solutions is a boutique consulting and business support company focused on business consulting and commercial se