Adventurefit Radio

Bill Stone On His Passion For Spelunking, Drilling Europa, And Robots In Space



William C. “Bill” Stone is the president and CEO of Stone Aerospace. He is an American engineer, caver (spelunker), and explorer known for exploring deep caves. Sometimes he does this with the use of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). Bill begins by telling us about his background, what got him into exploring caves, and the goals of embarking on expeditions into the dark depths of the Earth. He then talks about what it’s like to be down in a cave, as well as what drives his passion for spelunking. Next, Bill talks about their robotics project, as well as preparations and their study of Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Bill also talks about the expenses for this expedition, as well as answer the question of how they’ll be able to convey their study and findings on Europa. He then proceeds to give some facts about the red planet, Mars, as well as their expectations about Europa. Bill goes on to talk about the use of the cryobot in their Europa study, as well as about the biggest question in life. He answers some ques