Adventurefit Radio

Doc & Tommy On Elon Musk, Mankind At Risk & Conscious AI’s



The podcast starts off with Doc and Tommy making two massive announcements, then progresses to talking about Elon Musk, the business magnate, investor, engineer and inventor with some of the most impressive ideas to date. They also talk about the company Uber, and its plan in about a decade. The conversation takes a turn towards the futuristic side of things as Doc and Tommy start to talk about automated flying cars in the far-off future. Next, Doc talks about the movie titled Ex Machina, a movie about a programmer who is to administer the Turing Test to a breathtaking humanoid-AI.   Another shift in the gears and Doc and Tommy start talking about why there’s a bite on Apple’s logo. After that, they talk about what the biggest risk to mankind is. They talk about the British anthology series Black Mirror, which in lieu with the previous point, talks about the uncapacitated consequences of new technologies.   More interesting conversation abounds as the topic stretches onto artificial intelligence -- developing