Adventurefit Radio

Mac Rundle On Life Coaching, Shaman Sessions & Human Evolution



This is the second part of our podcast with Mac, and we ask him how he came into doing life coaching. He then talks about nutrition coaching. Things take a sharp turn as we go to a seemingly out of the blue topic: shamans, and what they really do to you. Mac then talks about how he’s shifted from being a CrossFit athlete towards being a life coach. We learn more about Mac and his sessions with shamans, about the background of shamans, as well as the good, the bad and the science behind it. Topics switch up again as we go into talking about and ask what world record would Mac want to hold and why. We also ask him about any situations that he’s stuck in at the moment.   Another interesting topic -- evolution! He tells us about how humans evolved from chimps. Finally, Mac shares with us what’s in his diet, and we ask him what’s next on his list of things to do.   True Pride is a wealth creation service who works with ambitious individuals & families looking to take control, worry less & get ahead. If yo