Adventurefit Radio

Doc & Tommy On Wonderful Vietnam



Having just returned from Vietnam, Doc is immediately asked by Tommy about how his trip was. He shares with us a couple of experiences, then proceeds to talk about how painful his ass is from riding too hard and for too long. Doc goes on to talk about things he’s seen in done while in the country, and he mentions something he affectionately calls “Chuck-A-Duck”, which he says he was not able to do. He mentions plans of returning to Vietnam with a travel buddy of his, talks about the Ho Chi Minh Pass, Vietnamese food and random acts of kindness from the locals. At the end, Doc recounts his best experience. Simple Shoot the Shit episode, but it’s great to have Doc back and give us a glimpse into his Vietnam getaway. Enjoy the show, guys! Quarsh Creative is an Elwood-based freelance design firm that helps solve business challenges in the digital world with a touch of creativity.Whether it be a website, logo, or marketing strategy, Quarsh Creative is here to help your business become stronger and create a better