Adventurefit Radio

Andrew Hewison On AI For Business, Future Visualization & Political Correctness



Huey starts off with talking about his soon-to-be-born baby, as well as a recent shoulder injury. The topic shifts over to business, and Doc asks him about how he keeps things in line in his business. The convo then expands over to AI’s and what they can do for businesses. Another shift in focus happens as the boys start talking about a couple of Netflix series then later on to Russian President Vladimir Putin. After that, the boys have a nice long talk about Connor McGregor. They cover a lot more topics such as visualizing the future, travel, and even about the problem with political correctness today. This is an episode with a very diverse series of topics, but that’s what makes it a great one! Tune in, guys, because there’s plenty of points for you all to take away. Enjoy! Quarsh Creative is an Elwood-based freelance design firm that helps solve business challenges in the digital world with a touch of creativity.Whether it be a website, logo, or marketing strategy, Quarsh Creative is here to help your busi