Adventurefit Radio

Doc & Tommy On ADVF Iceland, Positive Impacts & Trusting Your Gut



We start off with the boys’ impressions and highlights about Iceland in light of the recently concluded trip. They share their experiences, after which Doc says that he takes much pride in what he’s started with AdventureFit. The topic shifts to a little bit on mental health, then Doc comes in about gut health and about how it’s all about making a positive impact on people’s lives. He also shares a convo he had with one of the trippers, Kelly, then moves onto talk about happiness and pleasure. Later on, some talk about religion, man’s belief in various gods, and then all about trusting your gut. Great to hear from the boys again after coming back from Iceland! Enjoy the episode, guys. Quarsh Creative is an Elwood-based freelance design firm that helps solve business challenges in the digital world with a touch of creativity.Whether it be a website, logo, or marketing strategy, Quarsh Creative is here to help your business become stronger and create a better overall experience for your customers.As a special o