Adventurefit Radio

The Best of Tommy’s Tributes 2017



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! We’re doing it again, and so we’ve lined up 20 of the best of Tommy’s Tributes! Some are funny as hell, the others even funnier (and sometimes downright awkward)! Once we’re done with delivering you the absolutely best ones, we’ll also be taking some time to present those that absolutely bombed. Enjoy the tributes and most especially your holidays, guys! Quarsh Creative is an Elwood-based freelance design firm that helps solve business challenges in the digital world with a touch of creativity.Whether it be a website, logo, or marketing strategy, Quarsh Creative is here to help your business become stronger and create a better overall experience for your customers.As a special offer from ADVF Radio and Quarsh Creative, we're offering a free, basic SEO report on your website, and/or constructive feedback for your existing brand. Start the conversation via email at: This podcast is supported by Audible. Audible is home to the widest selecti