The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe

Heart-Centered Lifestyle Design with Amber Zuckswert



  To put it plainly, Amber Zuckswert is dope as f*ck.* She’s one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever had the pleasure to have on the show. She’s the embodiment of someone who’s created a heart-centered life of purpose and fullfullment while living in the jungles and beautiful beaches of Costa Rica. Amber is the Founder of Epic Living Retreats ( a wellness retreat center in Costa Rica. She is a pilates & yoag instructor, holistic plant-based nutritionist, modern/ballet dancer and all-around very cool person. In the show today Amber talks about her life starting out in Santa Cruz, California to currently running a retreat center in Costa Rica. We get to hear about her lifelong passion for dancing and how she purposefully built a lifestyle around her passions and her commitment to service. Amber is a great example of someone who’s designed her life around her purpose. She’s consciously chosen to live a heart-centered life where her work and the way she lives has purpose and intention beh