The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe

Living Intentionally Through Faith, Confidence & the Perfect Cup of Coffee



You don’t have to be a Buddhist monk to live intentionally.   And examples of people living intentionally are all around us if we we open our eyes to them. Such is the case with Alex Longoria, a General Manager at Philz Coffee in Encinitas. I’ve know Alex a few months now from going into Philz and getting my green tea (with extra mint) every day.  We’ve always chatted about sports, the weather or whatever and he always seemed in a genuinely good mood. One day I asked him what he liked most about working there.  I was blown away by his response.   He said he loved working at Philz because it gave him a chance to positively impact dozens of people’s lives every single day. He had an opportunity to make someone’s life better with every order based on how he treated them.  It wasn’t just what he said, it was the way he said it.  You could tell he truly meant it and he was 100% focused on making his customers as happy as possible. So I invited him on the podcast to talk about living intentionally. We talk abo