Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Music Business Myth Busters



Article:   Author: Bob Lefsetz   In the last episode we talked more about record labels and how to score that elusive “deal". This week we dig into some music business mythology. Blasko uncovered an article written by the ever so controversial Mr. Bob Lefsetz simply titled “Myths” on his Lefsetz Letter Blog. We discuss each point in detail from myth to reality.     Sales count.It’s no longer whether someone buys your album, but whether they listen to it, that’s the relevant metric that everybody seems to ignore as they trumpet irrelevant SoundScan numbers. Want to know if an act is truly happening, check their TICKET COUNTS!   Social media builds careers.This would be like saying a baseball player’s statistics make him a star. No, it’s what he does on the field. Social media is a way for fans to stay in touch with their musical heroes. Music always has been and always will be the epicenter of any career. In other words, if you’re good enough, you don’t have to