Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

How to Succeed in 2018



Article: 11 Things Millennial Musicians Just Don’t Get By Ari Herstand, author of How To Make It in the New Music Business, a Los Angeles based musician and the creator of the music biz advice blog Ari’s Take. Follow him on twitter @aristake In this episode Blasko and Mike Mowery discuss tips and strategies for how to succeed in 2018 as they dive into the following points made by Ari Herstand’s article “11 Things Millennial Musicians Just Don’t Get” and learn how to come out on top in the new year. 1) Spotify Plays Don’t Equal Fans I can’t tell you how many artists I see on Spotify with hundreds of thousands or millions of streams, but can’t get even 100 out to their local (or any) shows. Or get anyone to back their crowdfunding campaign. Or support them in any way whatsoever. These listeners are not fans of the artists, they are fans of the playlist these songs got included on.   2) Your Branding and Story Is More Important Than Your