Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Should You Hire Guest Musicians



This week on ManageMental, Mike and Blasko take inspiration from one of their loyal listeners on the subject of either hiring or collaborating with guest musicians on your songs: The Question: Guest vocals. Is it worth it for underground bands to shell out big money to get reputable and well known artists to feature on tracks. It seems this is a promotional tactic that has increased in popularity over the recent years, and I'd like to hear your and Mike's input. Seeking Advice: Recently my band has contacted a few artists to feature. A few middle tier and a few household names. We got responses from two out of our list. We contacted one of them directly and he proposed 1000 USD to feature on our song. This was a higher budget than we would have liked, but entirely plausible for someone as well known as he is. We contacted the other band through their website, and got a response from their manager. We proposed  $500 and their manager proceeded to cut down our offer very aggressively. In our email chain I pol