Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Blasko and Mike Answer Your Questions



So, my band just recently got offered a very great European tour. The catch is that it is a buy-on and also we have to pay for the agencies services on top of that price. And also find our own transportation. Many others I have talked to have said the cost is not worth even the resume bump. By the time all is said and done I’m sure this will cost around $15-20k. Which We would have to put on credit cards. Would you advise doing something this drastic for a bands resume or should we keep slugging it out on small DIY tours in the USA until we hopefully find tours that are bigger and not buy ons? Hey Guys, I love the show and have been listening since I discovered it 5 episodes in. I binged it in one night and managed to keep up. My question is how the hell do I get PR companies to answer me? My band has been around for 5 years, has several releases, done some light touring up and down the east coast, made 3 professional videos, pressed our own albums in vinyl, and basically established ourselves. This is incred