Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Revisiting Our Predictions for 2018



This week, Blasko & Mike recap Episode 49: 10 Predictions for 2018. 1. Traditional record sales will continue to decrease. 2. Apple will begin to shut down the iTunes music store with an estimated final closure date of Jan 2019. 3. Spotify will go public. 4. VR technology will not replace the live experience. 5. Cryptocurrency will not become an overly accepted form of payment for anything music related. 6. Print on demand services will become more of a necessity. 7. More independent artists will cross over to the mainstream. 8. Streaming only record labels will begin to sign and break bands. 9. Festival attendance will level off or decrease. 10. If we are looking for different results we will need to implement different strategies. ---- Use coupon code MENTALPOD20 to get $20 off any Outerloop Coaching course - including Breaking In for Musicians and Breaking In For Non-Musicians regularly priced at $21. That's only ONE DOLLAR for either of these great courses. This coupon is only valid until December 31,