True Stories Of Tinseltown

I Talk To Friend And Author John DiLeo on Characters We Are Supposed To Like In Movies And Vice Versa..Oh That Dreaded Shangra LA



John and I discuss all different characters that we are supposed to dislike but don't and characters we are supposed to like but we don't. There's a bunch of fun choices. See if you agree with us. We discuss Lost Horizon. It's one of my pet peeve films.  Thanks once again to the delightful John.  Mostly thanks to you that listen. You guys are the best!! Love, Grace   You can find Johns many books here.   I have upcoming shows with my bud April VeVea on Hollywood Babylon, and Author Sandra Grubman of the book Plain Beautiful: The Life Of Peggy Ann Garner. Let me tell ya..She had some life..Also Mel Torme's son Steve March Torme. He's a great guy.  I've been off Facebook for a while. I needed to take a break for a while, but for those that haven't visited I have lots of Tinseltown tidbits and loads of great photo's www. I also have a group page. I'm going to make a