Not Now, I'm Reading

An Interview with Twisted Wishes Author Anna Zabo



Hello, friends, and welcome to another fabulous author interview episode! First things first: YOU CAN GO GET COUNTERPOINT AS WE SPEAK! Because Chelsea isn't great about holding details in her head, she says several times that the book comes out tomorrow, but luckily her mistake really just means you don't hate to wait at all to go pick up this duo of amazing rockstar romances! Otherwise, stay tuned for the first threads of hockey feelings, Anna's romantic suspense recommendations, and Kay's delightful tolerance of Chelsea's completely wandering attention. They're on twitter as @amergina. They have a Facebook Page and a Reader’s Group. They also have a Tumblr, but it’s mostly reblogs of Tom Hiddleston.   TIME STAMPS: 00:00-10:36– Intro & Current Reads 10:36-53:33 – Interview with Anna Zabo 53:33-55:01 – What’s Coming Up, Outro, and Outtakes