Spine Talk

Dr. Isador Lieberman Talks About Health And Safety When Using A Rowing Machine



Dr. Isador Lieberman, a spine surgeon at Texas Back Institute and dedicated physical fitness participant has a great deal of experience with all types of rowing machines, including the WaterRower. “I’ve been rowing for more than 20 years,” he said. “And I am well-aware of this particular type of rowing machine,” Besides its prominent “role” on the show, what makes this WaterRower so appealing? “I believe it’s the act of rowing and not the rowing machine itself,” he said. “Rowing is a very high-intensity exercise program, which when done properly, exercises just about every muscle in your body. You can burn off a lot of calories in a very short span of time. Plus, you get a full-body workout with minimal impact. So, you are not overwhelming the joints.” “Rowing as an exercise has tremendous appeal,” he said. “It is much more engaging than running, swimming, riding a stationary bike or road bike.” More Than 10 Million People are Rowing The exposure this machine has received from this show has increased the pop