Spine Talk

Dr. Shellock Talks About Pregnancy And Back Pain



Why Do Pregnant Women Experience Back Pain? The Two Reasons Might Surprise You. There is not a more joyous time in the lives of a couple than when they are expecting a child. Words are inadequate to describe this experience. This process of bringing a new life into the world is simultaneously invigorating and more than a little scary! During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes in order to accommodate the birth, and this often results in the expectant mom experiencing back pain. In most cases, this pain is common. However, to paraphrase a wise person: “Pain is not common if it is YOUR pain.” To explain why back pain often occurs in pregnant women, Dr. Jessica Shellock, a back specialist at Texas Back Institute was asked for her professional opinion. In the process giving this explanation, she also offered some suggestions on dealing with this pain. The Causes of Back Pain “There are two primary causes for back pain in women who are pregnant,” noted Dr. Shellock. “As the baby is growing in