Spine Talk

Dr. Kevin Ju Introduction And ER Call During Boston Bombing



As is the case with many successful people, Dr. Kevin Ju (http://texasback.com/doctors-profiles/doctor-kevin-ju/) was an over-achiever as a child and young adult. When he was growing up in Houston, his parents – a computer programmer mom and a chemical engineer dad – encouraged his curiosity about how things worked. “I spent a lot of time taking things such as microwave ovens and lamps apart and then putting them back together,” he said in a recent interview. “In spite of having no doctors in my family, I was interested in biology and the human body at a very early age. I was fortunate to do some research at Baylor Hospital when I was in high school and was allowed to shadow a surgeon early on. This got me interested in medicine.” Next stop for Dr. Ju was the prestigious Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. He majored in biology and wrote an honors thesis in neurobiology (http://neurobiology.stanford.edu/) as an undergraduate. He decided to attend medical school and was accepted to one of the best in