Cult Following

Director Retrospective: Edgar Wright



In this episode of Cult Following, Victor Moreno, Kirby Nelson, Jasper Crawford and Joshua T. Ruth bring back one of our favorite types of episodes; the director retrospective. Join us as we talk about the work of Edgar Wright, including his latest film BABY DRIVER - we chat about our favorite Wright films, from THE WORLD'S END to HOT FUZZ to SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD. We also do an in-depth retro review of Zack Snyder's WATCHMEN, plus we chat documentaries from NOBODY SPEAK: TRIALS OF THE FREE PRESS to BATMAN AND BILL, AMERICAN ANARCHIST and more! Plus our quick thoughts on SPIDER-MAN HOMECOMING, STAR TREK versus STAR WARS, XX, GET OUT and much more on this episode of CULT FOLLOWING! 1:59 - GET OUT 3:30 - THE BAD BATCH 3:50 - XX 4:35 - STAR TREK BEYOND 8:14 - STAR TREK vs. STAR WARS in Pop Culture 18:49 - I HEART MONSTER MOVIES & Other Documentaries 20:51 - THE BARN 22:38 - BATMAN & BILL 30:18 - AMERICAN ANARCHIST 34:20 - DOOMED (Fantastic Four Documentary) 37:00 - WATCHMEN (Retro Review) 57:18 - NOBODY S