Cult Following

COOL CAT KIDS SUPERHERO (2018) - Savage Beards A V&S Special Series



This episode the View & Spew gang assume their new personas as the Savage Beards and explore the work of Derek Savage and his children's film COOL CAT: KID'S SUPERHERO. A collection of dramatized safety tips from a giant orange feline, Cool Cat is ostensibly the coolest cat around and loves all the children. A deeper look under the surface however reveals an occasionally hallucinatory and surreal family life that is at times laughably terrible and uncomfortably bizarre, but always fun to watch. Every episode of the ‘Cinema Fantastico: View & Spew Review’ Adam Rutkowski, Joshua T. Ruth and Shawn McLoughlin get together to watch an obscure film none of them have seen then discuss it immediately after. Join us as we share our raw reactions and see clips from hard-to-find trash and treasures. More content from the Cult Following Network of talent: