Secrets Of Saturn - Esoteric Internet Radio

Secrets of Saturn Live Stream - 10 - February 5, 2020 - Nostalgia Programming in 1980s Television



This week, Wayne, The Great Baldini and I discuss a plethora of 1980s television programs, along with all of the social engineering agendas tied in with it all. Television became a massive centerpiece in the household in the 1980s, helping with the breakdown of the traditional family unit. We hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane with some high-powered flashlights shining on all of the propaganda you may not have known was always there! Find Wayne's books here: Find Crrow777 here: Find the documentary SHOOT THE MOON here: Please visit our sponsor! Brought to you by the one and only Randy from Houston. Get Lower the Friction engine oil treatment to help reduce wear and heat in your engine that will extend its life and help improve gas mileage! I'm trying it myself right now, and I am getting a few extra MPGs