Secrets Of Saturn - Esoteric Internet Radio

Secrets of Saturn Live Stream - 13 - February 26, 2020 - When The Hero's Journey Fails



This week, Wayne and I discuss the importance of The Hero's Journey. We compare and contrast how The Hero's Journey was used by George Lucas extensively in the original Star Wars trilogy and how the disgraceful Disney trilogy abandons it almost entirely, failing to tell a good story, create and develop interesting characters, and is actually doing damage to the minds tuning in to watch what has become of what was once considered one of the greatest and most profitable science-fiction intellectual properties in the world. Find Wayne's books here: Find Crrow777 here: Find the documentary SHOOT THE MOON here: Please visit our sponsor! Brought to you by the one and only Randy from Houston. Get Lower the Friction engine oil treatment to help reduce wear and heat in your engine that will extend its life and help improv