Bitcoins & Gravy

Episode #96 Blockchain Students at Vanderbilt University!



On today's show I am privileged to interview Dana Zhang a PhD student in computer science at Vanderbilt University right here in Nashville Tennessee. This highly intelligent young woman shares with us the path that brought her to blockchain tech and a bit about where she hopes to make an impact in our world. In the second half of the show I head over to the Vanderbilt University campus to the Department of electrical engineering and computer science. There I spend some time interviewing students to find out what they know (and don’t know) about Blockchain tech and of course Bitcoin. I felt fortunate that I got to speak with a young man by the name of Irfaan Khalid, the President of Vandy Hacks, Vanderbilt’s annual hackathon. This hackathon attracts over 400 students from around the world who will compete from October 20th – 22n this year, building cool projects to change the world. Ahh to be young again! Remember folks: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothi